Wednesday's may be becoming my favorite days. I've always hated Wednesdays because they are right in the middle of the week and just blah, nothing exciting happens and I'm always really tired. But these last few Wednesdays have been different. I have the opportunity to serve and it's starting to become my favorite part of the week. I've been doing Baby Girl's Club which I've talked about before and now for all the winter months I'm involved in a ministry called, Room At the Inn. On campus we bring in 6 homeless men and feed them dinner, give them a warm place to sleep, hang out with them, play games with them, and feed them breakfast and give them a sack lunch.
Tonight was my first time, but I plan on going each week as soon as I get back from Baby Girls.
I must admit that I don't always have the best attitude about serving and God is really working on me. There are so many times when I want to use the excuse that I'm too tired or they really don't need me when really those are all cop outs. I always go and love it and am the one that is blessed by the experience. I love all my baby girls so much and they have nestled their way into my heart and will always be special to me!
These men I met tonight are incredible. One man named Isaac used to be a pastor and it sure showed. i really have never met anyone as passionate as him or even as good at articulating his passion and desire to reach out. He probably told 10 sermons in the two hours I was with him. And I bet he was an incredible pastor and he was so kind and sweet!
These are amazing opportunities that I am a part of and I'm finding that serving others is something I love to do, even though I may not have the right attitude, me and God are working on that! :) But I feel like my heart breaks each time I hear the story of one of the men, or hear about a little girl's home life. I'm not sure what to do with the emotions and all I can do sometimes is pray.
I know that I have been blessed and sometimes I get angry that I have all this stuff and love, and have a roof over my head and sleep in a warm bed every night and more than I need when there are so many people out here who don't have any of that. I don't know what to do. But I do know one thing and it's kinda exciting. I know I have a passion for the underprivelaged. Whether it's the homeless, the poor, orphans or whoever, God has placed this burning passion in my heart and all I want to do is serve them and Him. My brother told me a quote that says, "Find the place where your greatest passions meet the world's deepest needs." I think I've found that place.
One way I'm trying to take action with this is I'm changing up my major a bit. I'm still music business, but my minor is social work and will hopefully change into a double major of music business and Community Development, which is a combination of social work and business so that your'e able to work for non-profit organizations and such. I'm not exactly sure yet how it will all work out, but I know it will. I just know that I have found my passion and my heart is breaking little by little and I want to do something to be the change I want to see in this world!