So it's a new year and I kind of have mixed feelings. I'm excited for what this next year has in store, but I'm also nervous and anxious too. And of course I always hate leaving home so it takes an extra positive attitude for me to be happy about being back at school, but I'm working on that area of my life.
A big decision was made for me this break. I found out I was accepted to go to Africa with Youth In Mission. When I first found out I was really excited and then I was hit with a wave of apprehension and worry. I thought of everything that could go wrong and all the reasons I shouldn't go. The fact that I'm not a risk taker (a characteristic I really don't like) was really pushing me away from the thought of going to Africa. However, after much praying, thinking, and talking with lots of people I decided to go. I'm still pretty nervous about this and not sure what to expect, but I know it'll be okay. So, I'll be going to Zambia and it costs about $3700. That's another aspect I'm worried about but I know God will provide.
I was very encouraged by the quote that came with our letter that told us we were accepted. It's by Oswalk Chambers and it says, “If you give God the right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you. God’s experiments ALWAYS succeed!” I just need to keep thinking that whenever I get nervous about the summer.
Also, the same day I found out I was reading My Utmost for His Highest and Chambers writes, "Liviing a life of faith means never knowing where you are being led. But it does mean loving and kowing the One who is leading." If I always knew where I was going in life I wouldn't need faith and there would be no reason to depend on God. I need to realize that God is the only one who knows my future and what wil happen in Africa and I just need to have faith and concentrate on knowing the one how is leading me. So, that's my goal this next semester to continue to know God more and more each day. To prepare myself to share the Gospel with those who have never heard it and to get excited about being God's instrument and experiment.