No more "Oh Jollys"

So most of you know, but my grandma passed away this weekend. It's hard and I really struggle with being down at school, but know that it's better for me to be here and be busy then at home just sitting. I am at peace and comforted by the fact that she no longer has trouble breathing, doesn't need help walking anywhere and gets to hang out with my grandpa and everyone else up there. I'm almost jealous somtimes. :)
I know she was ready because she had said it so much when she was here. She knew the Truth and knew that there was so much more waiting for her then what was offered here on this earth. I'm so glad and thankful that she knew that. But as comforting as that is it's still hard and I know I'll miss her tons.
I'll never forget her saying "Oh Jolly". That was all of our goals, we wanted to see who could get her to say "Oh Jolly". I'm not sure who ever got her to say it the most. :) And the countless games of Canasta and Hand and Foot. The first time she taught me to play it, I think I was 12 or 13 maybe and I beat her bad. I was so excited because it was my first time and I won but she really was the master at it. She always has the biggest stocking and the most presents as Christmas and when you said thanks for the presents, sometimes you had to remind her what she got you. :) And then there were her cats...don't mess with them. She loved them the most and as much as we all teased her about getting rid of them she stuck to her guns and always favored them over any thing else. And then there was taco bell. She could eat there every day if we let her. When my parents were gone and I was just with her, every night she wanted to go, and as much as I wanted to make her happy I couldn't take that much taco bell so she settled for only going a few times instead of every day! :)
I know it'll be hard for her to be gone. I'm not excited about going home and her not being there, but I just need to remind myself how much more fun she is having then she has had here. I'll always remember her and all the good times we have had. I loved living with her and sometimes feel like I took for granted the fact that I got to live with such a great lady that blessed me so much. It'll be hard times but I know me and the rest of my family are at peace with the fact that she's resting in Jesus' arms!