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Sign up for the Holiday Guide to Self-Care

Hi! I'm so excited you're investing in your own care.

The holiday season is too often characterized by hustle and busy. There's gifts to wrap, parties to attend, family dynamics to navigate and mile long to-do lists. The last thing on our mind is probably, how can I fit time in to actually care for myself? But it's times like these where it's more important than ever to do just that! 

Remember that self-care isn't selfish - it's simply good stewardship of the only gift we have to offer...ourselves! {Parker Palmer}

Make the choice to invest in yourself this season.

The Holiday Guide to Self-Care gives you practical types to slow down, prioritize your own care so that you can enjoy this season from a place of rest and wholeness. 

Sign up below to receive it.

May you find hope, peace, joy, love, fun and rest this holiday season!